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  • 8 Open-Source Tools for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Implementation

8 Open-Source Tools for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Implementation

A favorite among our subscribers from the FM/LLM series is our article on Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). It explains RAG's beginnings, how it improves LLMs, its design, and its popularity.

To help you use RAG in your projects, we've put together a list of eight open-source tools:

  1. RAG on Hugging Face Transformers (link)

  2. REALM library (link)

  3. NVIDIA NeMo Guardrails (link

  4. LangChain (link)

  5. LlamaIndex (link

  6. Weaviate Verba: The Golden RAGtriever (link)

  7. Deepset Haystack (link)

  8. Arize AI Phoenix (link)

Every day we post helpful lists and bite-sized explanations on our X (Twitter). Please join us there:


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