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  • Tony Zador and Yann LeCun on possibility of AI enslaving the world

Tony Zador and Yann LeCun on possibility of AI enslaving the world

Could superintelligence destroy the planet?

Tony Zador and Yann LeCun wrote this article in 2019. And it is now relevant more than ever.

1) Intelligence โ‰  desire to take over the world

From the perspective of neuroscience, intelligence doesn't generate the drive for domination. "Intelligence does not provide the goal itself, merely the means to achieve it."

2) AI systems did not pass the evolution

People think of intelligence as the ability that helped us survive during evolution.

It helped us to dominate and reproduce ourselves.

But AI didn't have such experience.

3) Dominance-seeking behavior is more correlated with testosterone than with intelligence

The authors explain the way the most developed animals behave.

And what conclusions we can make regarding intelligence and dominance.

What are the real risks of AI?

AI can

  • be weaponized

  • disrupt the job market

  • create bigger inequalities

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